Organisational model
Organisational and management evolution

Transparency and Reliability
Breda’s commitment to the constant creation of value in the local area has also translated into building solid transparency, reliability and mutual trust with its suppliers and customers.
Not only that, the creation of an environment of trust with its collaborators, employees and the local community at large is one of the cornerstones of the values that accompany Breda in its growth.
Corporate transparency increases the company’s commitment to offering the highest quality of services and commercial reliability, encourages investment by demonstrating openness and stability, improves business processes and leads to better results.

Company soundness
The indicators of economic soundness allow you to understand which companies you can rely on. The importance of these tools for assessing long-term investment projects is crucial for progress in development intent.
Breda’s balance sheet analyses and historical data from over 40 years show a solid equity and financial structure.
The efficiency of the company management together with the evaluation of profitability as well as solvency, have allowed Breda to emerge over the years as an ideal partner for development and investment projects.
The start-up of new production plants, and the development of new materials and products in collaboration with groups in the sector, are proof of the company’s solidity and stability.

Corporate structure
Organisational chart – corporate structure