Intra-personal relations

Corporate Welfare
Newly adopted, Breda’s corporate welfare provides employees with initiatives for economic support.
Welfare, with a view to active sharing in the professional responsibility expected for a specific organisational model, envisages the identification of common objectives, the achievement of which provides an expenditure budget usable by employees, through the welfare manager’s platform, in a variety of areas such as assistance, social security, health expenses, school expenses, wellness and tourism, food expenses and fuel.
A recent initiative was the application of Article 12 of Decree-Law No. 115/2022 – the “aid-bis” decree – and the provision of a subsidy for the payment of household utilities for the integrated water, electricity and natural gas services.

Internal training
In this historical moment, the generational transition has marked the importance of a cultural change that makes the work environment a reservoir for experimentation and continuous constructive evolution.
This mentality also imposes a change in the organisation and interpretation of human resources management. Breda supports internal and external training as a first approach but a fundamental basis for pursuing these objectives.
The improvement of specific technical skills and of soft skills are now indispensable for any worker and Breda has supported this training in all company sectors with particular attention to resources that manage teams of people and/or hold positions with special organisational and decision-making responsibilities.
The various areas of production, sales and administration must be populated by resources that interpret the working dimension by speaking the same language, supporting the culture of feed back and constructive dialogue as a means of both optimising profitability and making the most of the working environment.

Occupational Health and Safety
To obtain ISO 45001 certification, Breda T.C. undertook a thorough and accurate update of the risk assessment of processes within the organisation.
With ISO 45001, in fact, in addition to applying an internationally recognised standard, Breda T.C. has addressed the correct process for formalising and structuring risk management, the management of legislative compliance, the dissemination of safer working practices, and the assessment of workers’ health and safety performance.
The systemic approach facilitates a reduction in the number of incidents and a guarantee of business continuity.