
Breda’s manufacturing orientation and flexible, customised response to market demands have led it to create specific technical solutions for every need. The wide range of materials produced and marketed developed over the years finds the most diverse applications in construction. Today, technical consultancy is the best approach for the company to begin the realisation of any project.


Suppliers and raw materials

During this long period in the market, Breda has consolidated business relationships with the most important manufacturers in the sector. The consolidated management and control system has enabled it to increase the quality of the materials and production processes used. Precisely for this reason, the company is able to offer a range of products of certified origin with cutting-edge technological content.


Distribution and logistics

Efficiency in the distribution of its products has allowed the company to build up a close relationship with the entities in the area over the years. The speed of response and taking charge of operational requests continues to be a fundamental value within the commercial structure.


Supply and application

Breda offers a direct supply channel for its products to applicators and installers as well as end users. All products are delivered to the customer in the required sizes and with all the necessary accessories for the correct execution of the job. The company structure also offers an application service for its products through third party companies, guaranteed by the company itself.


After-sales service

The technical support service provided for each project follows the application of the products and the proper functioning of the work. The highly qualified staff follows each application methodically, ensuring the correct installation and operation of the products.